Pineapple Lane is a not-for-profit publisher of dual-language, mother tongue books for children.
Each title is written, translated and illustrated by authors and artists whose lives have been disrupted by conflict. All the titles we publish are available for free to displaced families, to help children stay connected to the language and culture they have left behind. The books are also free to the communities where displaced families are living, to enable cultural exchange and understanding. With the support of schools, libraries and other organisations, we are able to distribute the books throughout the UK and into Europe.
Our recent titles are Ukrainian-English but we are working on a range of titles from around the world, starting with stories by Syrian writers, artists and translators, told in Arabic-English.
Titles published
Books delivered to children
Schools & libraries reached
Translators, illustrators & writers commissioned
*Figures from our annual Art Council Report 2022-2023

You or your organisation can directly fund the production of books for children who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine. Visit our new printing portal to find out how, the portal is the first of its kind in the world.

Donating to Pineapple Lane supports authors, illustrators and translators whose lives have been displaced by the war in Ukraine. It also helps us print books and deliver them free to children and communities who need them the most. We are working with many brilliant organisations who would love to receive free books, by donating to us we make that happen.

Get books directly into your community. Whether they’re for a host family, your local library, friends, relatives or a nearby school, buy a selection and we’ll send them wherever you want them to go. Alternatively press donate at the checkout page and we’ll send the books you buy to organisations and charities that have requested free books.